Let’s get you back on your feet!
Sandgate Podiatry Services
Foot and Leg pain
In our Biomechanical appointments we can provide diagnosis and treatment pathways. Your Podiatrist will first take a thorough history and then run you through some muscle testing. This will be followed with a full gait analysis using a pressure plate and also includes 3D scan of your foot which can then be used for the manufacture of custom orthotics if needed.
Common Conditions treates:
Heel pain (Plantar Fasciitis)
Heel spurs
Children’s foot and leg problems
Arch pain
Flat feet
Pronated feet (feet that roll in) and Supinated feet (feet that roll out)
Pain in ball of foot - Morton's Neuroma, Bursitis, Sesamoiditis
Midfoot pain
Ankle pain
Sports injuries
Achilles tendinopathy
Calf pain and tears
Leg length difference
Shin splints
Sever's disease
Knee pain (Patellofemoral pain or patella tendinopathy)
Hip and lower back pain
Nail and Skin Care
Some of the Common Conditions Treated :
Ingrown toenails
Fungal/discoloured toenails
Thickened toenails
Cracked heels
Dry feet
Plantar warts
Foot ulcers/wounds
Diabetic assessments
Nerve and blood flow examinations
Footwear advice
Education on self-care and preventative treatment
Shockwave is a piece of effective, non-invasive technology that can treat a multitude of foot and lower limb conditions.
Some of those conditions include:
Plantar Fasciitis
Shin splints
Achilles tendinopathy
Other tendinopathies
Iliotibial band syndrome
Some chronic long standing bursitis
Trigger point therapy